Yay, we welcome you to 2008. We had a pretty quiet night, going to Becks sisters for a nice night - guess who had which drink?
a few quiet beers
glasses of Maison
a botbot or two
We have another photo or two of Charli to share with you. The first is at the traditional family Christmas eve show where she received a couple of nice presents.
The second is her at the Christmas tree on Xmas morning investigating SOME of her presents
And the third is Charli enjoying some Christmas lunch - I think it was chicken.
As for the pending bub - still waiting on name ideas but everything seems to be bubbling along nicely.
Hahaha gosh Cam...she even eats like you!
Great pics guys!
Names names....hmmmm seeings as this bub is due around my bday, you are more than welcome to name her after me ;)
As fer footy...if you are enjoying it, play on. If you arent, then dont...simple as dat.
Hi Mr Murdoch
At the end of the day you need to decide if you have acheived all you want to or if you have any un finished business (for us oldies nowadays its personal business rather than team). You need to remember you are a long time retired.
Of course you have added responsibilities this year and these obviously play a big part in your decision (Remember when you were 18 and you couldnt image what would stop you playing until you were 50,how our priorities change).
For me I am just training to see how the body will cope and there are no guarentees I will make the first game but I am giving myself a chance. This way I can at least settle in my mind if I can still do it physically and if I can cope with balancing the family life with the footy one. Worst case scenario is come March I pull the pin but am relatively fit.
Whatever you decide, like myself you will have great support from your family or friends.
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