Monday, September 17, 2007

Our Bubba Boo

Welcome to the Frog's pond. Most people know us as the Murdochs and up until recently it was just Cam and Beck. On April 5 this year it was with much joy that we welcomed our much wanted gorgeous addition Charlotte Rose. Our life is now complete and brings to an end a number of years of trying to have our beautiful girl. She continues to amaze us everyday with her growth and development and the house is always full of laughter. We share with you our journey with our little Bubba Boo and suprisingly the unexpected but much wanted little brother or sister for Charli, due to make their arrival at the end of March next year. Wow, lucky there are enough lilly pads in the pond for this unanticipated population explosion!


Erin said...

Hey all!!
How have you been??
My little cousin is just gorgeous i cant wait to see her.
Missing you loads
Love you all
Love Erin

Hairyfrog said...

G'day Erin, how are you going. Sorry I hadn't noticed your post earlier. How have you been? Have you got a blog or on facebook or anything - keep in touch.