Thursday, December 13, 2007
Charli's first Christmas
Friday, November 2, 2007
The next superfish
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Hmmm solids
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Charli's first twelve months
This is me next to my favourite bear as the month roll by. This first one is of me and bear - I was four days old, and a little bit jaundiced.
As you can see, I needed splints on for a few weeks but all is good now.
Mummy and Daddy will try to keep updating this as each month ticks by counting down to my first birthday (5th of April if you want to go present shopping now)
Me at three months - as you can tell me and the bear had some good stuff that night.
Me at four months, doing my serious face
Me at five months, nuding up
Me and the bear just chilling. As you can see i've grown quite a bit in my first six months. I'm 65.5 cms "tall" (will be taller than mum soon), weigh in at just over 8kgs and my head size is in the 97th percentile - dad reckons that mean i've got a big head :)
Here I am again, with bear, at seven months. Just chillin and stretching on mum and dads bed. Haven't got much to report this month - As you can see from other posts, I've started swimming. I can sit up by myself now, and my first word seems to be Dadadadadadad - much to mummy's disgust.
G'day again, yes it's that time.... Here's me at 8 months catching some z's with my Bear on mummy and daddy's bed. I'm starting to do some groovy things and am getting more mobile everyday - which means I'm starting to get into everything as well. That cool tree with all the balls and tinsel on it in the loungeroom is no longer safe. Mummy and Daddy tell me Christmas is coming up - Yippee, more of that colourful paper to put in my mouth :)
Well, this is me at about nine and a half months. Sorry I didn't post closer to my nine month date but someone pinched daddy's camera (and video camera and tomtom sat nav). He called them lots of names I didn't quite understand but apparently it "would've made wharfies blush" according to Mum.
Anyway, since my last post I've had my first Christmas and boy that was fun - lots of paper to eat and boxes to bang on, my first tooth has arrived very quickly followed by my second (see the piccie to the right), I regularly feed myself YoYo bikkies and have even started crawling, so I've come quite far. I've become a real buggar at bed time though, testing Mummy and Daddy a little bit but I'm not too bad really.
Anyway, it won't be too long until I post again, hopefully Daddy can get the picture in focus a bit better next time :)
Thanks to Mum and Dads PC (whatever that is) "dying" I haven't been able to post for a while, so here is me at 11 months. I'm surer on my feet all the time now, though not walking unassisted. Just counting down the days until this mysterious thing called a sister arrives -
I wonder if this is a new toy for me?
Well, I'm one year old now and loving it. I had something called a party last week and lots a cool and lovely people came, showed me lots of attention, and gave me plenty of presents, including, books, clothes and toys. Mummy and Daddy have had to buy a new house for me to put all my new stuff in. Anyway, what am I up to? I'm really scooting (by crawl and wall/furniture assisted walk) around the house into every cupboard and drawer I can find. I've got my third tooth coming through now (up the top) and am understanding this big world more and more every day. I don't think i'll post as often now, but will definitely keep you all updated of my many exciting advetnures. Love always Charli XOXOXOXO